I had a blast creating a fun collection of Halloween treat bags using a good old score board and goodies from Kindred Stamps* and Waffle Flower Crafts*. My dear (very talented) friend Tina Fry and I were sharing project photos (we text daily) and she showed me an adorable treat bag that she made (posting later). So, I modified the measurements a bit to create these! (Note: Affiliate links used when able; I appreciate your support!)
Supplies used:
Ghoul Squad
Haunted House Die
I Put A Spell On You Die
Grunge Paper Pack
Little Hot Tamale Hocus Pocus digital paper
Prima's Thirty-One Collection
Birthday Puppies (currently sold out, but Birthday Kitties works too!)
Treat Bag Assembly
7.5" x 11" sheet of paper
Along the 11" side: Score at 2", 5.25", 7.25", and 10.5", then score at 1" and 6.25" only down to 4.5" (to create the side gussets on the bag)
Along the 7.5" side: Score at 5.5", without crossing the shorter score line. This creates the bottom of the bag.
To finish the side gussets, using a ruler or any straight object, line up the bottom of the 4.5" diagonally to the 5.5" score line on either side, creating a "V". I know it's a bit hard to see in the above pic, but the 4.5" line is in the center of the bag's side gusset and then it forks down to either corner. You can reference a good ole brown lunch sack as well. (I can also record an assembly if that would help; just comment below.)
The sides of the bag each measure 3.25" x 5.5" so I cut each side panel 3" x 5.25", leaving a small border around the panels.
To hold the bag closed, you could use a binder clip, clothes pin, or punch holes and tie ribbon as I've done in these examples. I created a hole template from a scrap of paper, aligning my holes 0.75" from each side and 0.5" down from the top edge. My template ensured that my holes were even (because goodness knows I wouldn't have gotten them that close without it). I didn't fishtail trim the three mouse and duck bags yet because I need to untie, fill with treats, and then re-tie. I'll trim them nicely after they are ready to gift.
The above bag was decorated by my youngest for a classmate's birthday. She filled with candy, goodies, and some money. So cute!
I hope you will give these treat bags a try. They are very easy to assemble and can easily be modified to whatever size you desire. AND you don't need a special die or cutting machine to create. xx
I am submitting these projects into the This is Halloween Challenge.
#thefrolickingfairy #kindredstamps #ghoulsquad #popculture #mouse #halloween #duck #princess #witchplease #vampire #halloweencostumes #iputaspellonyou #littlehottamale #hocuspocus #waffleflowercrafts #birthdaypuppies #treatbags #handmadetreats #partyfavors #halloweentreats #trickortreat #spectrumnoir #triblends #alcoholmarkers #papercrafting #instacrafty #thirtyone #primamarketing #frankgarcia #handmadehalloween
Adorable treat bags! Thank you! Welcome Fall and all the Halloween makes!