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Llama Queen Box Pop

Who doesn't love a llama queen?  LOL  I enjoyed working with this sassy Box Pops, Llama Queen Add-on from i-Crafter's June release, as she stands proud among her cacti.  For added interest, I used book pages behind the text on the base and on the llama's back.  The colors are very neutral (hello desert) but I wanted to throw fun pops of color along her back and neck wrap.  Using shimmery green for parts of the cacti adds fun pops of color as well.

#thefrolickingfairy #icrafter #llamaqueen #llama #queen #boxpops #interactive #paperpiecing #cactus #desert #desertqueen #bookpages #cardmaker #cardmaking #cardmakersofinstagram

And, as always, the Box Pops, Oval Base collapses to fit in a standard A2 sized envelope (yippee!).

#thefrolickingfairy #icrafter #llamaqueen #llama #queen #boxpops #interactive #paperpiecing #cactus #desert #desertqueen #bookpages #cardmaker #cardmaking #cardmakersofinstagram

Supplies used:
Box Pops, Llama Queen Add-on
Box Pops, Oval Base
Mini Album Divider #1

#thefrolickingfairy #icrafter #llamaqueen #llama #queen #boxpops #interactive #paperpiecing #cactus #desert #desertqueen #bookpages #cardmaker #cardmaking #cardmakersofinstagram

#thefrolickingfairy #icrafter #llamaqueen #llama #queen #boxpops #interactive #paperpiecing #cactus #desert #desertqueen #bookpages #cardmaker #cardmaking #cardmakersofinstagram

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