I'm on the Gecko Galz blog today with projects following the challenge theme this month -- Garden Child.
Digital Sheets used:
Storybook Garden Digital Craft Kit
Vintage Labels Digital Collage Set
Pretty Seed Packs Digital Collage Sheet
Postal Digital Collage Set
Sparkling Spring Kids Digital Collage Set
Victorian Elegance Junk Journal Kit
Box measurements:
Bottom - 8.25" x 6.5", score at 1.5" on all 4 sides
Top - 7.25 x 5.5" (plus a smidge extra* on both sides), score at 1" on all 4 sides
(*the smidge extra is to allow just enough extra room for the lid to easily slid on top of the bottom)
I used the Graphic 45 Policy & Decorative Dies (Amazon affiliate) to create all of the seed packets within the box. I used various elements and images from the above listed sheets to embellish the seed pockets (or coin envelopes). I created the box to fit the envelopes. You can easily modify the measurements to fit whatever you wish to tuck inside.
Be sure to join us in the Gecko Galz Papercrafting Challenge Group on Facebook to participate in our monthly challenges.

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