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Facebook Live Tutorial: Rosettes with Sea Monster Kids

Happy Sunday!  Thank you to those that joined me last night for my Facebook Live in the Kindred Stamps Fan Club.  I walked through creating rosettes -- quick, fun embellishments that can adorn any number of projects.  Be sure to click the links below for video replays.

Supplies used:
(affliate links; thank you!)
Sea Monster Kids*
Seaside Paper*
Kindred Spirit Enamel Dots
Card Basics Die

I made the two bonus rosettes using the girl this morning, showing how a vellum layer looks (as I suggested on my Live).  The vellum layer was cut using the smaller circle die from the Card Basics Die set.

*Don't forget to use my exclusive Live code to save 20% on these items!  Watch my video replay on my YouTube channel to hear the code.  xx

(Prev Live) Tutorial: Quick and Easy Paper Rosettes using Sea Monster Kids for Kindred Stamps

I also recorded my coloring process (with all the issues I faced included) and uploaded that to my YouTube channel as well.

 Color Along: Kindred Stamps Sea Monster Kids with my new OLO Markers

 I hope you enjoyed crafting along with me!  Please let me know if you find tutorials like this helpful, and I would love to read any suggestions for future Lives as well!  Until next time.. Ciao!  xx

#thefrolickingfairy #kindredstamps #seamonsterkids #seamonster #ciao #lotsofamore #olomarkers #rosettes #seasidepaper #patternedpaper #tutorial #youtube #craftyyoutube #seayousoon #eyelashyarn #vellum #coloralong #googlyeyes #cardmaker #papercrafter #instacrafty

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